Monday, August 18, 2014

Practicing Footsball with DwarfMan

It is almost that time!  I do not know what "that time" is, but SmellyMan says it is about "that time".  Evidently "that time" has something to do with the game of footsball.  SmellyMan has many red costumes with a big strange character on them, and he says "that time" means his red team is going to play games of footsball very soon.

Go Big Red!  SmellyMan says Pipe Spaniels must
say that when "that time" comes and footsball games are
played by SillyHumans.
I asked Felix what is "footsball", and he did not know.  It sounds strange, as it is hard to play ball with your foots.  It is much easier to play ball with your mouth, but SillyFamily and other humans do not seem to play ball with their mouths.  DwarfMan says he does not care much about SmellyMan's footsball.  But since "that time" is coming up, Felix and me thought maybe we should be practicing footsball with DwarfMan.

SmellyMan says there is lots of running around in footsball.  Felix and me like to run!  It is especially fun when we run in the back yard with DwarfMan.  DwarfMan only has two legs.  He is not speedy fast as are the Pipe Spaniels, but he is still fun to run with and chase.  We follow DwarfMan everywhere anyway, so playing footsball chase with him is following him around, only faster.

DwarfMan can not run away from the Pipe Spaniels, we are too fast!  But SmellyMan says there are other parts of footsball too.  He says there are silly costumes, and throwing and jumping on people.  Felix and me are very good at jumping, maybe we would be good footsball players!  But we do not have footsball costumes.

Felix and me are excited to see what footsball is like!  We are hoping when "that time" comes, that SillyFamily will play footsball with the Pipe Spaniels.


1 comment:

  1. Look at you guys go! I'd watch you play any time. You are so lucky to have Alex and his family to play ball with. I'll bet that you get special treats when the games are on TV.
