Friday, July 4, 2014

It's War!!!

Close your eyes guys!  Maybe War will go away!!
Holy puppy chow!! We're at War!  Well, SillyFamily is at War, I think!  I will tell you why.  Oscar and I had a quiet day.  SillyMan left us again!  FlowerySmellingGirl was with us alone for awhile.  And when SmellyMan came back, he had DwarfMan with him.  We had not seen DwarfMan since our first day here!  It was very quiet until DwarfMan came home. DwarfMan is loud and silly!  He is a jabberbox!  But it was later when Oscar and I found out we must be in War.

We had a nice day with a lot of time outside, with SmellyMan this morning, and FlowerySmellingGirl later.  Tonight Oscar and I were doing our evening sniffs when the DarkTime started to come.  Then War started!! What have SillyFamily done to make the neighbors mad?  It started out with a little bit of noise and light, but then SkyFireBombs started going off around our house.  It was loud and bright!  I will not pretend about this, BOTH Oscar and I were very scared!  We have never been in War before!!  We did not know what to do!!

SmellyMan tried to get us inside, but we did not know if inside is safe in War.   Oscar told me we should hide in the bushes, then the WarMakingPeople would not find us.  We hid in the bushes so well that SmellyMan could not find us!  SmellyMan got FlowerySmellingGirl, and they walked around in the yard with MagicLightSticks.  They are VERY brave, to be looking for Oscar and I during War!  They must love us very much!

Oscar and I decided that even though we were scared, SillyFamily must love us and we should be nice.  We are now part of SillyFamily and must protect them.  I was ready to fight WarMakingPeople!  I barked VERY loud to scare WarMakingPeople away, and so did Oscar.  They did not stop making SkyFireBombs though.  SillyFamily finally got us inside, and we could not hear War as much.  Maybe Oscar and I hiding tricked the WarMakingPeople to go somewhere else.

It was an exciting day!  But Oscar and I do not like War, and we hope there is no War tomorrow.  If there is War, Oscar and I will hide again and trick the WarMakingPeople!  If that does not work we will bark loudly and protect Silly Family.  We are the Pipe Spaniels!!  You do not mess with our humans!!


1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you were able to get them inside last night. How did you do it this time Terry?

    They look so calm and happy in this photo. Thanks again for the update!
