Saturday, July 12, 2014

Boys Party!!

Artist's depiction of the Boys' party
[Felix] It is party time!  FlowerySmellingGirl said she was going to a meeting and it would be boys party.  It will be so much fun.

[Oscar] We have never had "party"!  You do not have party when you live in a pipe.

[Felix] We are boys so we must have party when it is just boys.  That is what DwarfMan has said.  Oscar do you know what to do in "party"?

[Oscar] We have never had party! You must listen Felix.  I have asked SmellyMan. SmellyMan said we must dance and listen to music and eat yummy food and have fun.

[Felix] We have had lots of yummy food since we got here.  Maybe South Dakota is always in party!!

[Oscar] Do not be silly Felix.  You can not always be in party.  Party is for special times only.

[Felix] You are right Oscar.  I am excited for even yummier food!  SmellyMan said when there is boys party you must have beer.  Did you try SmellyMan beer?

[Oscar] SmellyMan had a very special party beer last night.  It must be made from trees as it was called root beer.  When boys are in party they must drink special party root beer.  I did not try root did not smell good.

[Felix] We are just pups, maybe we are not old enough for party root beer.  I cannot wait to share party with FlowerySmellingGirl.

[Oscar] FlowerySmellingGirl will love boys party!! I too cannot wait until she joins party!  She will have fun with the Pipe Spaniels!

[SmellyMan] Ummmm...guys....the reason it's called a "boys party" is because FlowerySmellingGirl is gone for work and won't be back for a week.

[Felix] Boys party means there is no FlowerySmellingGirl?  You are funny SmellyMan, FlowerySmellingGirls loves the Pipe Spaniels very much.  She would never leave us.

[SmellyMan] I'm sorry guys, but she got on an airplane and flew a long ways away.  She won't be home for 6 days.

[Oscar] You are not kidding SmellyMan?  FlowerySmellingGirl will not be back for boys party?!?!?  You said boys party would be fun!!

[SmellyMan] We can have fun with FlowerySmellingGirl gone!  What would you boys like to do?

[Felix] It is no fun without FlowerySmellingGirl!  Boys party is no good!  FlowerySmellingGirl!!  FLOWERYSMELLINGGIRL!!  Where ARE you?   AaaaaRROOOOOOOOOOOO!!!  AaaaaROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!


[SmellyMan] Silly pups, howling will not bring FlowerySmellingGirl back.  She might read your blog though.  Do you have anything to tell her?

[Felix] Boys party is no fun without FlowerySmellingGirl!  Please come back soon!

[Oscar] Come back soon!  We love you FlowerySmellingGirl!!!

Oscar and Felix


  1. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww...she'll be back, boys! Love Dwarf and Smelly too. They need you!

  2. Glad to see you are enjoying your new home. Enjoy "boys time" and save some fun for FlowerySmellingGirl.

  3. Oh boys, your sweet momma will come back. In the meantime, enjoy your boys party! Love to you all.

  4. I bet they really will miss her. They will probably wiggle their little butts off when she comes home.
